Beware of API triggered messages that may send the same templateId. There is a pretty terrible bug system behavior where the lowest campaignRunId will be re-used
Not sure how BriteVerify is doing their verification but @aol, @yahoo, @verizon emails return as 'catch-all' addresses which means it can appear valid from a server-side scan but w...
If someone is using Ghostery or a privacy plugin it can block the Marketo JS and not load the form. Is it possible the people reporting the issue are using such a browser extensio...
Sometimes the pre-fill menu doesn't work. Especially so if you're in a larger instance.You can just copy/paste the value so long as you're sure it's correct. For this reason, I ju...
If you are talking about the metadata / attributes stored within the Activity itself, this endpoint will give you those details: GET /rest/v1/activities/types.jsonhttp://developers...
Hi Nick, You can try this: Go to: Admin -> Email -> Edit Text Editor Settings there is a setting to turn the default <p></p> tags off. If this hasn't been done, it could be the ...
You can if you wanted your campaign to run <90 days from the time they were added to the list. The added to list activity is only in the activity log for 90 days which is right w...