Hey LK,
Thanks for getting the page approved so I could have a quick look. On my end, everything seems to be showing as-expected in Chrome on a PC. Were you using a different brow...
It looks like the link you posted is pushing me to a login page rather than a page with a price offer on it (https://www.icerewardslifestyle.com/login-page/?utm_s...
Could you share the HTML for your email for context here? There might be something in the <head> that's removing/hiding borders in your email template and/or some inline styles (or...
Hey LK,
Here's a bit of code I put together in the inspector to work out both issues (checkbox and button center). From what I could see there are a few conflicts with the "arr_st...
I've added some feedback here:https://nation.marketo.com/t5/product-discussions/button-not-centering-in-marketo-form/m-p/314532/highlight/false#M177722which covers the centering of...
... re-threaded this post to: https://nation.marketo.com/t5/product-discussions/form-checkbox-not-appearing-on-marketo-landing-page/m-p/314528/highlight/false#M177718...
Could you post a link to a test page with this form on it? If I can get into the dev console and have a look at the code I can probably help you get this ironed out. To be clear he...
Hey Jen,
I updated the pen here: https://codepen.io/dRoberts/pen/MWpmPadto include a new rule for "valid inputs" that's very similar to the invalid input rule w/ the icon. For now...
Hey Jen,
I've updated the pen here:https://codepen.io/dRoberts/pen/MWpmPad
For the (X) icon on the right side of the invalid fields, I'll usually use an image there and load it i...
Hey Jen,
I fiddled with the code you added to CodePen and have something setup here: https://codepen.io/dRoberts/pen/MWpmPad
Disclaimer: This is my first "pen" so lemme know if you...