Hey Regan,You might try to see if you can get another LP using the same template to spin up to make sure it's not a template issue.Then you might try and clone the LP and edit the ...
Hey Talia,It looks like the background image isn't covering the entire section there, you might want to try and play with the widths of the elements there to get them to match.I no...
Background images can be tricky to get right in Outlook, here's a thread with a few details that mention this template:https://nation.marketo.com/t5/Product-Discussions/Starter-Tem...
Hey Souvik,The way I tackle this is to leverage the ".mktoValid" class on the <select> element which appears after the input is interacted with on the page (and the validation retu...
Hey Jo,I've always preferred the <tr> element for my modules and the <table> for my container but haven't run into an issue where the rows stack next to each other. This shouldn't ...
This is really a really clever way to extend the native functionality for images in Marketo, and I love that you can set it to one or many elements in the document - that's a rich ...
Hello Talia,There's a few way to think about adding styles to a Marketo form.The most common in my experience is the "Custom CSS" input on pg. 2 of the form editor (it's under the ...
At a glance, the code looks right, but like Sanford said it's hard to be sure until it's in the code-view.If re-approving the LP doesn't work, here's a few other maybes...If you're...
Hey James,Im willing to bet it has something to do with the mso-line-height that's set on the parent <td> around your image. Outlook likes to think that by "line-height" you meant ...
The only reason I can think of that you'd want to use two different versions of an image would be if you were including text as a part of the image, is there another use-case or re...