Hi Michael,
thanks for your reply. I looked into the template and found a regex expression, preventing people from entering more than 6 letters as a domain:
var re = new RegExp(/^...
we are promoting a webinar with a registration form and it looks like people with email address with this format something@x.digitalare not accepted and they are getting "P...
Hi Sanford,
thanks for the reply.
I know this is now the best thing to do from UX perspective. It looks like we have a script that will work only if we haveselected="selected" on...
Hello everyone,
I have a form with a Country select field. The first option is at follows:
<option value="">Select...</option>
What I need in reality is:
Hello everyone,
we have the following setup - a landing page + a form. Once you submit the form, you are added to a static Marketo list. We want to see some of the person columns ...
Hi Sanford,
thanks for the reply!
Do you have any details on how to implement the 2 booleans<!----> logic? Could you please provide an example?
Thanks and best regards,
Hello everyone,
We are creating new Marketo email template and we want some sections to have the possibility to appear/dissapear with a boolean. For ex.:
<meta class="mktoBoolean"...
Hi everyone,
I am working on a new guided landing page template. I have these 3 variables in my code:
<meta class="mktoBoolean" id="showNav" mktoName="1. Show Top Nav Section?" de...