Hi Sanford Whiteman,Would you be able to point us in the right direction as to which Forms JS API to use to populate the value of the field on the second form based on the value o...
Sanford,It takes me 3-5 attempts to reproduce. On success, the value is "bain_optinnewsletterbaininsights":true; on failure, it is "bain_optinnewsletterbaininsights":null.This is t...
Sanford,Thank you for your help. I changed the value of the hidden field to "yes" (approved the form and approved the LP), but still sometimes this field is not selected on the sec...
Hi Sanford,Here is the url: http://go.bain.com/test-email-address-form-1.html We expect the "Bain Insights newsletter" to be selected on the second page.
Hello Sanford Whiteman,We ran into a similar problem and were wondering if you could help. We have a simple Marketo form with an email address field and a hidden checkbox field wit...
What do you have for "From Email Address"? Do you use tokens for the From Email Address or for the subject line? If you could post a screenshot, it could help us troubleshoot.