Usually this happens automatically, since Webex is synced with Marketo, but it's not showing the people that attended the webinar as such in Marketo. I need this to update so I can...
So, I figured it out, with your help... You need to make registration required in the Webex page and that takes care of it. Do you know if registration errror status will affect an...
Thanks! I just checked and this is the message I found.
Error registering with webinar provider. exception='Webex API call error; Self registration is not supp...
Wondering if there is a benefit to creating a new smart campaign vs. reusing an old campaing that's exactly the same, the only thing changing is the email being sent, but the smart...
We are using random sample (50/50) in a campaign to email a group. We have two different emails being sent. If we use the same campaign everytime, is it sending to the same people?