I believe it is a validation rule you have in SFDC / other CRM. make sure that the "LDR" field is populated before converting the lead into an opportunity, or exclude the Marketo u...
You can also use "email address contains yahoo" (or any other combination), in the analytics tab - in email performance report. This way you'll be able to create a report per combi...
That's odd....I would open a ticket to support, as I don't see any reason for not having this option.can you post your smart list also? are you doing this as part of a program?
I can see "Random sample" as an option... this also appear in the "Random sample" article:https://community.marketo.com/MarketoArticle?id=kA050000000L6EBCA0
Jim, we are using SFDC. I know how to implement this technically, just curious if it makes sense to add score on status changes (lead is converted into an opportunity, lead turns f...
We're started implemeting lead scoring. Aside the obvious (Filled out form, visit key webpages, attended events, demographic, etc...), do you use lead scoring for lead status / opp...
Understood. So when a progression status is automatically set to "Attended", do you have a smart campaign that changes "recent campaign" to "Attended Webinar XYZ"? I know I can set...