Great answerKaran Hari. Adding to your answer, I thinkone more important point is dynamic content is targeted for leads that are present in Marketo database and whereas Web persona...
Here is another good guide for lead scoring best practices
That's a Smart HackRonnie Duke.Hi Guys,I am a Sreekanth (a Product Manager at Marketo). I was exploring solutions tobot activity, I have connected to multiple customers and was try...
Awesome ! These are some great use cases. Now let me ask you this if you have to prioritize these integrations, how would you rate them out of 10 (10 being top priority)
HeySophie F,By "disqualifies" if you mean program status of a lead is marked as "disqualify" or something then simply create aSmartlist with program status as "disqualify".or By "d...
Hi Guys,Now Marketo being a part of Adobe Digital Experience platforms. I am curious to know as to what all Adobe productsour customers want/wish to have integrated with Marketotha...