This is due to the subscription edition that you have. If you have a Dialog edition (the name may have changed) which is not aimed towards B2B but more for B2C, this is the reason ...
It's "Lead Source". Don't trust field management on this one. Try it out for yourself and you will see the result. Opps are owned by your CRM. When you performed the data value cha...
You're probably just choosing the wrong source field to update in Marketo. Post up some screenshots of the Change Data Value flow action you're using and the result you get when yo...
Please provide some clarification on, what type of lists? Static/Smart? What type of filters are you using? Is your advanced logic the same? Do you have workspaces/partitions? When...
This is a relative question so I don't know what "easy" means to you, apologies.What I can tell you is that if you want to manipulate any of that stuff, you'll need to do it in the...
My advice is to not compare data. These are 2 systems that have 2 very different ways of tracking, monitoring, and reporting. I also feel that maybe "troubleshooting" and "issue" i...
Short answer, no. Marketo currently doesn't do math in any way that I know of: which includes addition, subtraction, multiplication, division of strings, numbers, etc.
What is a Forms 2.0 embedded landing page? Do you mean a Forms 2.0 which is embedded onto a landing page? This is my thought. You don't have to do anything as the embed code does n...