Just add:<a href="mailto:{{lead.Email Address:default=xyz@domain.com}}" class="mchNoDecorate">Test Email</a>You want "mchNoDecorate" only if you don't wish to track this link click...
"mktEditable" has no use in a Guided landing page. It is only applicable within Free-form landing pages (to do what Mel mentioned) or in Email Templates (to define which sections s...
Yes, that makes more sense. I will forward this to our PM working on some related features. It may be a bit complicated to do what you describe but will make sure it's looked at.
Tim, what is the use case for this? It will help me evaluate this as a feature.If you want a certain group of people in the database to never get emailed, why not mark them as a "m...
Yeah, I will look into why the auto-suggest isn't better here, but try enter a few characters of your link without the "http://www." and it should probably appear in the list. Some...
You can do this in the Setup tab of the Email Program. The "run through more than once" stuff that we have on Smart Campaigns doesn't apply to Email Programs since they can only be...