This is a totally reasonable workaround. The resources referenced in our example landing pages will not be updated very frequently, so shouldn't be a problem to copy them down and ...
And the last thing to note is that once you have verified your domain that you added, it means that any emails being sent out of Marketo with a From Address that uses the same doma...
Once you approve the template, it will create drafts of all pages using that template. You need to go approve those individual landing page assets in order to get them to reflect t...
Yes, if you are using a "Guided" landing page template, you can make those areas "mktoText" elements. Inside the Guided Landing Page editor, the user can then make that region dyna...
Hi Lee,As folks on this thread have already described, it depends on what order of operations you're looking for. A trigger is an individual event that will cause the campaign to e...
You can do this by adding any old link in your email. See instructions here: could design a nice button...