Find this section:/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *//* Media Query cusomization for responsiveness/* -------------------------------------...
Takehiro Masaki had some good findings:Trying to add an image as a background on my landing pageHe also created an idea to make doing this easier. Vote on it!
In your code, find #right-column{ position: absolute; top: 0px; right: 0px; bottom: 0px;}You need to delete "position: absolute;" as that is not what you want.
One hacky workaround you can use if you're desperate is adding a custom field of type "Boolean"Then you can check/uncheck the box in the lead detail page, which will change that at...
I love this feature request and we've thought about it a bit. But, right now, we don't offer any ad-hoc URL shortening. You'll have to stick with something like
What does the code look like? It's hard to help without seeing what you're doing. Here is a resource that has worked for many folks:Bulletproof background images | Campaign Monitor...