Hi Amy,Can you specify a bit more. Are you using an email program? A default program? Just looking at a smart campaign? I can help you if you can tell me the exact asset you are lo...
Forms don't have a <body> tag. A body tag defines the document's body. A form is one component within a document (webpage). Forms have other HTML elements. What specifically are yo...
Why do you need to add it to the URL itself? You can access it via JavaScript and do whatever you want with it behind-the-scenes when the lead is cookied. You could use Munchkin AP...
Sounds like you've already seen forms docs:http://developers.marketo.com/documentation/websites/forms-2-0/In the onSuccess callback add one line of JS:location.reload(true);If your...
Kari,In the Landing Page Editor you will see two tabs: Desktop and Mobile. By default, a new landing page has only the Desktop view. You can add Mobile by clicking the tab and acti...
You can use CSS specificity to do this. By default, all template elements will be hidden but if you're experienced with CSS you can override it (if not, I would avoid attempting).S...