Are you referring to the "reading pane"?If so, this absolutely will count as an open if the email is rendered in the reading pane. There is no correlation to Outlook's "mark read a...
People find value in all the numbers. Trust me, if we removed it some people wouldn't be pleased. That said, the language we use could be much improved. I 100% agree with that. The...
Yeah, there are just limitations on that input box that's what I'm saying. There's no good reason, I think you are correct that it is just because it wasn't originally designed for...
Yeah, that's not the way the multiple value picker works. Definitely not optimized for your use case, you currently have to type in a few characters, then select one of the options...
How are you entering them? Are you selecting them in the suggestions of the multiple value chooser? Or are you trying to just insert semi-colon delineated values and clicking OK?
Don't use <link> or @import (these do the same thing by the way), you should include the CSS in the actual email. You also want to inline as much of the CSS as possible in emails. ...