I definitely recommend using our Starter Templates in the product rather than anything you've found at http://templates.marketo.com. It's not that they're bad templates, but the wo...
If you must have the exact number, the only way to do it is to have a custom field on each lead that is something like "emails received this week" and just have some data managemen...
Smart List #1:Smart List #2:Smart List #3:and so on....then you can subscribe to each smart list and get the report sent to you every week. Note that this logic is "leads that got ...
Check out our forms docs. You can have some of the fields always show and some of them show conditionally (using progressive profiling). Most of our customers use a combination of ...
It kinda depends on how you've structured your forms, but here is our docs page: http://docs.marketo.com/display/DOCS/Configure+Form+Progressive+Profiling
Progressive Profiling means you are changing the fields a lead is entering if they've visited the form multiple times. It helps you gain more data about someone without having them...
It's a bug, it shouldn't set the content for that segment in this case. The consequence is that the checkmark means it's saved out the content for that segment.