Yes, we are enhancing our entire analytics platform and fixing this is a top priority. This is why the email program only lets you send a blast once, to make sure analytics work as...
Dory,The best way to do this is setup an Email Program (or regular program with SC and Email Asset) and then clone it for each send, using good naming conventions. Most customers d...
Are you sure the email is not set as text-only? Click "Edit Settings" in the email editor to verify.If it's not that, then please file a support ticket.
Yes, you would use our forward to a friend functionality in the email. If they click "Forward" in their email client, however, it won't work. It is techincally impossible.
Dan,What's been said is correct. You don't want to try to load the form via HTTPS if your website is being served over HTTP. If you do have a cert for you website and the person is...
We're planning to enhance the date filter soon and this is one area that I'd like to improve. For now, what you have should work.Is there something you're trying to do but can't?