David,"IS" is the best scenario since it is the most precise. However, the issue with "IS" is that it will not include all possible scenarios and thus, will not subsequently normal...
Leticia,Of course, you can run a smart campaign or a flow action for "change data value" and select the field "Black Listed" and from there you can mark it "True" or "False". I usu...
Christina,I would recommend you look into using a custom score field instead, this allows you to easily "+1" or "-1" in a flow step.However, I would also urge you to reconsider a c...
Correct, but it will only show one lead at a time. In order to view the email metrics for another lead, you will need to adjust the report's smart list to remove the email address ...
George,In an email performance report, you can use the "smart list" tab to define a subset of the email metrics. I would use this smart list to define the person criteria, whether ...
I would take a look at the 50 smart lists themselves, maybe instead of excluding each one separately, you can just use 10 or 15 filters to exclude. It is quite possible these smart...
Arthur,Smart lists must be exact name matches with "in" or "not in" logic. So you will need to include all 50 smart list filters. This is to ensure that in case you used a method t...
Ronda,"Email Opted In Date/Time (C)" seems like a datetime field whereas "gdpr_optin_date" may only be a date field. If so, this change data value may not work. Check both fields i...