Also make sure that the flow step to send the registration confirmation has at least a 5 minute wait step so that the webinar provider can send back a unique URL and have it popula...
Spencer, what you can do is run a smart campaign with the flow of "change data value: marketing suspended true" and then a wait step of several months or a specific date, and then ...
Dan,Are you sending these emails through a smart campaign or an email program? If an email program, check out the "Head Start" (Head Start for Email Programs - Marketo Docs - Produ...
Okay, so multiple smart campaigns won't work in this case. I know this is not the conventional way, but maybe you could create custom lead scoring for the bank deposit numbers? How...
Hello Liz,Could you provide an example? If it's a very manageable value increase like "2" to "6" then you can create separate smart campaigns that would trigger "new value is 6" an...
Hello,When adding content to a nurture stream, you have two options: click "ADD CONTENT" or drag in the assets into the stream. I had cloned an engagement program and wanted to mov...