If you're not able to find any similar addresses, then, as Kenny says below, the only other option would be to get the lead to save a copy of the email they're receiving, attach it...
If you want logic for each email, then you'll have to have one campaign per email. You should be able to have all of the campaigns under a single program though.
Hi Claire,Standard lead.tokens can be used anywhere you want, it's just the My.tokens that can only be used in assets that are children of the programs where the My.tokens live.Joh...
There isn't really a way to be 100% certain. Searching your database with the lead's name or any other identifying information for duplicates is the best thing to do.John
Hi Claire,It's also possible that the lead had another email address in your database that gets auto forwarded to the original. Try search your database for the lead's name and see...
The only way to have logic like this in an Engagement Program would be to use smart campaigns/Programs in your stream. So instead of having four emails in the stream you would have...
Hi Gary,All of these activities will be tracked in Marketo anyway. The question is which ones do you want pushed to SFDC.For that I agree with Greg. Start with a few and see how yo...
If a landing page is unapproved, then leads would not be able to access it to fill out the form. Once a page is unapproved it's not longer "live" for the public to see, and any lea...
The trouble is that only leads that move along the success path exactly as it's laid out will get counted in the reporting. For instance, a lead that moved from 3 to 4 and beyond w...