It has always bugged me that this is not a standard report - considering that Marketo is an email/mobile first company and tool! However there are ways you can get to this info and...
It depends. There are peffectly good reasons why Marketo will stay pending configuration (even with a valid SPF setup). It will stay pending if your SPF setup uses redirects. The M...
Marketo confirmed the issue as a bug so I am interested to see how you got your values working!!!?!!? NOTE: our value which is synchronised is a forumula field (Text). It is also i...
It's a great connection but with the limits per day on API calls you have literally no hope of getting a large chunk of data to PowerBI. The issuue is further compouned by the fact...
@josh - Lots of email providers do allow you to send with attachments (ExactTarget for example)@santhosh - as Josh noted you haver to be very wary of sending them as they can be se...
While is good practice to adhere to some form of delivery rules - I am not sure the ISP loads / sends are as valid as they once were. Marketo used to have a terrible reputation for...
Hi,I am outputting some currency values which are in GBP but by default Marketo will output these values as $ when formatting using the following script:$number.format("currency",$...
There isn't no - it's a real pain as well considering that Marketo is pushing an "everything everywhere" message but the way to report on it is not ideal. To create the Smart Lists...