Anyone else seeing list import aliases not working? We're finding that despite having list import aliases in place, none of our field names that rely on them are automapping when w...
Thanks Sanford! I was about to post that I'd found something that would work by putting the clickLink munchkin function into the hyperlink's onclick attribute, but I will check out...
Hi all,I did some testing on our pages and noticed that munchkin doesn't make a Click Link activity for anchor links: for example someone on won't create an activit...
Try using the URL for a lead in SFDC (without the ID) and then the token. SImilar with SFDC.For example:{{lead.SFDC ID}}Replace "https://na00.salesforc...
Hi Jessica,That's not really how Salesforce is intended to be used, and I don't know anyone who uses it that way. What you need is a lead lifecycle process such that, when a lead h...
Hi Laticia,Whatever process(es) set the Black Listed field are entirely custom to your Marketo. The system will not email anyone who has Black Listed = true, but there is nothing b...
Sanford we only use it for triggers, not batch processes, so the API limit isn't a problem. The same webhook actually runs a variety of logic at the same time, so it needs a little...
I would be very cautious about any change trying to get rid of such duplicates, because none of the marketing automation systems are set up to do it, in particular regarding unsubs...
We use a webhook to Workato (where lookup tables are supported) to accomplish this. We send the value in the webhook, it matches it in a lookup table, and then sends a value back t...