Hi All,
We created a smart list that looks for contacts with a specific type of opportunity. The list is returning with contacts, but there is a bucket of contacts that are missin...
Thanks for thie@Jo_Pitts1- this seemed to have work, but when I try to approve and close it gives me this error and only does that when I included the this related token in the ema...
Thank you both. I understand the concept and I agree we can take the registration based on published date, but I am a little lost at how to actually grab the first value. Is that d...
Thanks for your response. Here is the code snippet showing the right type but it is showing all of them.
#set( $interestingItems = [] )
#foreach( $item in $AssetList )
#if( $item....
I am working on creating an Email Scripting token that captures the most recent version of a specific Asset Type in a CO. For example, asset type is Type 1, Type 2, Type 3....
Hi All,
We are looking to setup Person Partitions for our Person Accounts. We are looking to use the Record Type ID (A) associated to the Person Account; however, it looks like yo...
We are completing our Salesforce to Marketo sync in our sandbox environment. Our SFDC contacts are classified into 2 types (consumers and dealers). Consumer come through has r...
Thanks for the response Oz. I should have clarified the fields are active. I'm wondering if the relationship field is not matching to the contact to asset? Do you now if that can b...
Hi All,
We recently did a Salesforce sync (everything looks good). We got to the step of syncing SFDC custom objects. I was able to find my custom objects and enabled the sync. Ev...