Hey Amanda,I setup a test campaign and the logic worked as intended (screenshots below).The 181 days in the choice step wasn't an error, this needs to be in there because the wait ...
Hey Erin,So informatica updates fields on the leads and then the batch campaigns are run based upon that updated information, correct? Why can't you use the data value changed filt...
The campaign needs to be setup as a trigger campaign, it cannot be run as a batch. Use the trigger criteria "added to list" X then load the leads you want to test to that list.
Hey Amanda,Ahhhh, it's tricky but I think we can still make it work.So, with how the wait step works, if the date has already passed (6 months after start date) then the wait step ...
Hey Amanda,You are on the right track, you need to setup a trigger campaign to add the new employee leads to the program and then use the advanced wait step to deliver you emails. ...
Hey Kristina,Do you already have the CC expiration date setup as a date field in Marketo? If yes, create a scheduled daily batch smart campaign with "CC Expiration Date" in future ...
Hey Lana,You can export a list of your active campaigns from the Campaign Inspector. This will show you all of your active campaigns.If you do not have Campaign Inspector enabled, ...
Hey Erin,If you exclude the "default" segment you will not be able to send the general version to the subset you want. Assuming your segment is mapped to you industry field only, y...