Curt,I totally understand. You can try for some nurturing ideas.There are some screenshots of related campaigns in my book:
The best way to do this is to have a traffic cop setup:
Camapaign 1 listens for 3 form fill outs. If Form 1, then send Form 1 Thank you and Call Form 1 Nurture Flow to send the r...
you might have to do this with a custom SFDC formula field to generate Day of Week based on the calendar. I doubt Marketo can do this on its own in an easy way.
My thought is to keep your MAS separate until SFDC is ready for the merge.Some ideas if you still want to go ahead:
you could "tag" the Eloqua and SFDC 2 leads as they are impor...
Jocelyn,Do you find your Anonymous Purge technique works better than the standard 90 day purge Marketo has setup?Or did you opt out of that for better control of your data?
I was also surprised that the system didn't give me more feedback on the percentage of correct answers or areas I could study more on. I passed a beta version, so I can't say how i...
Sure.You will need to adjust the flows to point to the correct lead score field. These are only templates, so you are welcome to adjust them as needed.
how did you setup the original entry system? Is it a trigger? Traffic cop?You can probably setup a quick Flow Step (or batch campaign) to add the person to the initial flow using R...