Mike,This is rather complicated, or rather simple, depending on what your reporting goals are.You could have several Channels and Statuses and then have a Program for each unique p...
You can also do this if your MQL system is a Program and you use statuses likeKnownNurturingMQLSALSQLClosed WonClosed Lostthat will give you a cumulative count very fast.
I also like what Jeff says here as that might be a bit simpler to just use an Added to List trigger if the leads were previously created and you are just waiting for the field to g...
Craig,When the lead is created, how quickly is it stamped with that PD Created Date?If the Lead doesn't have that at the moment it hits Marketo (if it's coming from SFDC, there's a...
Well, here's the thing. Yes, you can update the template.I would be very careful if you make more than minor changes. All of your emails will go into draft mode. Then you should go...
Katrina,Your approach is sound. Since they never completed the opt in step, you cannot email them again about this. It's a shame, but they clearly didn't think it was important eno...
Why would you want to chnage the smart campaign?You should be able to adjust the Program settings by selecting it and clicking the gear icon on it. But your campaign has to have th...