Caitlin,Why not use the Added to Opportunity trigger or the Has Opportunity filter? These will easily tell you when a lead is now an Opp.If you are using a non standard SFDC setup,...
You can modify the LP Report to display any group of pages in the system. Go to Setup > and pull in the archived or unarchived icons and select Marketing Activities pages (in Progr...
Yes, you would have to keep this list updated with each new camaign value.Alternatively, why not let the URL parameters and forms auto populate this for you?
Also see my documentation on managing email reputation.You can reduce spam folder catches, but not eliminate them.
Why not keep the first two emails out of Stream B?Or better yet, have 4 streams:Stream A1Stream B1which have the desired orderStream A2Stream B2that do not have the first two email...
Do you mean to displayCountry 1 - Email Perfcountry 2 - email perf?You can use a smart list or the setup tab to filter by email by country or lead activity by country, but the repo...
Bridget,Here's a quick sketch:Program - Content-Email 1-LP 1-LP TY-Email 2-Campaign: ResponderYour Campaign will look like:Fills Out Form IS "X" on Page "Y"Flow:Send Email white Pa...
No there is no prebuilt system like this. Similarly, for a double opt in, you would have to use a flow that would listen for the click and then opt the person in.See my guide on th...
Kate,No, Marketo should not be deleting tasks, and certainly would not do this via a list import. Marketo can only create Tasks.Where are you keeping Call Histories? Salespeople sh...