John,Just create the number of forms you needForm 1, Page 1Form 2, Page 2Form 3, Page 3Form 1 has a follow up of Page 2, Form 2 has a follow up of page 3I am assuming that your ste...
Yes, I would go with two separate campaigns to ensure this works well. While you could doFills Out FormORData Value ChangesAND (Filters)Filled Out Form IS XORData Value IS Ythat pr...
You would have to use Program Status Changed and select the statuses you want.Yes, you have to add Forms, whether they are specific or use CONTAINS so you ensure your naming scheme...
Try editing the HTML for that block, delete the P and replace with <BR> if you need a break.Usually it is gone as long as you don't try to edit any further.
Desiree, Usually you can make a Segmentation based on just about anything. Typical uses are Regional breakdowns (Americas, Europe,...) or Buyer Personas. I've seen all sorts of o...
A couple of clarifications -Your email must be approved for this to work.If this is a batch campaign that is already in the process of executing, your email change will not work be...
You can go into Admin > Email to edit the default footer, which is what you are seeing there.You may want to come up with a plan to make a standard set of footers to use in email t...