hmm...I was under the impression that Marketo was doing the archving to avoid space and processing issues for them, not so much for your instance.I imagine it would create a slow d...
Well...if all 4 leads qualified for the smart list, then Marketo will try to process them. The usual method would dedupe against the same email, but since AB takes a random sample,...
Yes, you can add it on, although it may make sense to upgrade. But - managing WS and LP comes with challenges. Depending on how partitioned you want your database, you can manage...
There are many, many threads on this. You need to build a subscription system and then setup Segments, then do what Jeff says.
Tim, Not 100% sure the Email Send program will do what you want because it is expecting a list to go out at once, not randomly or o a cadence. Cheryl can correct me here though. ...
In theory, yes. Marketo does collect a lot of data on the Anonymous lead, but won't display anything useful until it has an email address. So that lead could have all sorts of indu...
Well, what reasons did they have for doing this?Marketo will keep the original field, but it won't be able to receive updates. Thus, you will have to update any smart lists or Segm...