Those are all good choices. The key is to offer choice by Type of Communication and Channel of Communication.You could also make an Offer on the page to avoid an unsubscribe. Or ma...
If this is intended to be a nurturing program, then you might want to setup each Email by Language in a Program that is inserted into the Engagement Stream. This can be done with c...
Well, pre-fill doesn't work on embedded forms, so progressive profiling probably won't work either.
What do you mean exactly? There is no Forward to Friend feature for LPs...But you could setup a flow that would do this:1. Person A fills out form A that asks Person B to come visi...
Ok, I think I see what may be going on.Support may have thought you wanted to block the sync FROM Marketo TO SFDC, in which case, the field value works well.But it sounds like you ...
You can use the Conditional field option on the Form editor. Each field can display dependent on another field.Of course, if that's not what you want, then you need to do
Yes you can do this and there are several ways, depending on the exact nature of your flows:
If your campaign is based on Campaign IS REquested, then just add filters below the t...
Yes, Marketo forms have improved on spam. I honestly haven't seen this as a big issue in 2 years. What you can do is create anti-spam automation that checks for Blank Leads or BS l...