Yes, if you assign a Contact to a Queue, a New SFDC Lead is created and a duplicate exists.If you load the data into Marketo first, I am not sure you can force it to create a Conta...
Excel is showing you the line #71, which means you have 70 people (minus the first column).The list is showing you that maybe 1 person was deduped=69.The Campaign may have excluded...
You can always run a smart campaign again in the way you describe. It sounds like you are using an Email Send program which may not let you re-run it and include those smart list m...
Yes, look up the Trigger. tokens under Interesting Moments Tokens. As long as the Trigger is Views Web Page, then it should provide the URL to the Email.This may not work if it isn...
Smart List is:Clicked Link in Email IS "X" (you have to choose the approved and sent email here)you can then click on Contraint and chooseLink IS "FULL URL in EMAIL"you do not have...
Hi folks, Alex and Perkuto solved this back in March 2014. This is the only Marketo Launchpoint solution - you DO NOT need to go to Mailchimp anymore once you turn on Digesto. It's...
You could try a smart list that says Zip Code at least 0000 or 0001 and have a View with Postal Code showing.This prob happened because of Excel's tendency to chop off leading 0s u...