did you migrate the templates for those assets first?I believe there's a checkbox to migrate associated Templates, which you need to do.Ask Support for help if it's not.
Delivered isn't really an active Status. It just means that the server says it accepted.You should look at human engagement (Clicks, etc) rather than this.What exactly do you want ...
Tags cannot be used this way. They are not visible to workflows.Creating a smart list is a good first step to see how to find such people. There are several threads on product scor...
You should discuss with Legal or your legal GDPR guide.There is another thread related to correcting Email Address. I would suspect the others don't really matter other than Phone ...
It is in the docs.Email Invalid=TMarketing Suspended=TUnsubscribed=TBlacklisted=Twill block any non operational email immediately. There is nothing further to do. Only Invalid, Bla...
Depends on the firm and process.We set a 48hr SLA.But, in all seriousness, do you really need to get the leads in there that fast? Every lead is getting calls right afterward, befo...