Lots of potential solutions.If you are comfortable with Velocity, then it may make sense to do that. I'd map this out more though.Another option is as you describe, which may be ea...
There are tools like Openprise, RingLead, LeanData that allow diff kinds of complex data processing.Based on demos, I do like Openprise. Depends on what you need to do.If you are a...
This is called "concatenation".I would also note that many people use the Person Notes or Comments fields if they exist in their system already.I would also be careful that while t...
It may depend on your system.There are several methods to purging bad emails. And several threads here on it.Bounced EmailEmail Invalid=TRUEso you may not want to remove Customers ...
When you Hide a Channel or Status, it becomes no longer available in the active smart lists, etc. But it will still show up in a member report.If your Program is 1-1 synced with a ...
Yes, you must adjust the code in your email to include <TITLE> tags.one method is to place a Title Token in your programs that has better text.<TITLE>{{my.Email Title}}</TITLE>
In addition, the compliance rules are very diff for SMS vs. Email. And Marketo has barely enabled permission mgmt now that it's a big deal with GDPR. The number of Firms using SMS ...