your workflow.There isn't enough detail. Usually when this happens, there was a wait step involved with a Not Was or Was Sent choice.Or you turned off a flow and did not remove the...
Well, the flow will force a Sync in Step 2.But your trigger needs to either remove that Constraint or set it to Lead is Created FROM XYZ source (like API, or SFDC).What would you l...
MSI Templates that are saved locally in SFDC under My Templates would be saved in SFDC.If you have the correct settings, each send is logged to the SFDC Activity History in full.Yo...
You can also look at:Not Was Sent Email X AND Member of Smart List IN "Original Qualification List"to see who did not make it. Most of those should be Comms Limits errors in the lo...
There are some articles on using Random Sample.But there are at least two ways to do this:Option 1: in the campaign:Member of Master ListFlow: if Random Sample=50, then Send email,...
I'm very confused about your goal here.The default Marketo Unsubscribe is how your leads would unsubscribe. This default page (in Design Studio) uses a special token to flag the Un...
There could be lots of reason. Are you sure the sync process completed?Are you using SFDC Type=Contact in Marketo to verify this?Did you setup anything special in SFDC or Marketo t...
As long as your Token names are consistently used. If you create{{my.CompanyName}} in an email (wherever it is) and then your local Program/Engagement that uses this email has inst...