This is a lead scoring program because you'd have to create a smart list likeHot Leads = XYZMed Leads= ABCLow Leads = not above. or whateverthen change data value: Ranking=Hotso yo...
Most data is incestuous, going back to data swaps, lead scraping, salespeople uploads, and DNB. I'm sure a combined product will fill in gaps either firm had, but hard to say if ov...
Agree with option 2. GTW will not help you.The challenge is that once you have Program Members and Statuses in use in a Program, you cannot modify the Program settings. You can eit...
If you do a search for Anonymous you will find that this visibility is largely gone now.Web Page or Company Page should allow you to do this via Smart List.
check now. The log doesn't always update quickly....sometimes 10 minutes later.Btw, a new lead from Form Fill or Import does not create a DVC event, however, an API lead does.
Hi,There's a great article on the sync today that summarizes years of knowledge. But to answer your questionsCampaign Object is read only on Marketo. As is the Campaign Member Obje...
The people in the Stream may not all qualify to send.InvalidUnsubscribedSuspendedBlacklistedReached Comms Limit this CastWhat I do instead is to push such leads over to a Bad Exit ...