You should go to my site and look for "journey session"Generally these should be two separate email programs and Smart List A and Smart List B.Then send a batch campaign to each li...
no.But you can look at the individual record and look up the criteria in their record to see what the issue might be. One record should be pretty easy to spot.
Hadn't notice but you need to escalate the issue with Support and Engineering to get the attention it needs. Not sure how much LinkedIn can help. You might try calling your sales r...
Depends whom you consider ready to remove.Thoughts:Inactivity doesn't archive because it's not a log entry - it's an absence of a log entry. But sure, it will get affected after 90...
Send Alert will send an Alert for EACH lead that flows through, which will flood your sales team.Having good sales-marketing alignment and schedules is probably the best method.You...
you could automate that with several optionsForce sync batch for certain records that appear to be out of date (if there's a common cause or similar criteria) could just be as simp...
3-5k isn't that much.I assume your Lead Score field is synced to SFDC. But your real issue is the Apex trigger, so you should discuss this with your SFDC Admin to optimize the code...
What's in your system?Probably something likeRevenue Stage=MQLMember of Program=Xbut each system has nuances. An RCE report would be more accurate if your question is "How many MQL...