Thank you Sanford Whiteman - I added that script as a token and sure enough: District list does not exist in context. I double checked that the account I am using as the sample ha...
I'm trying to create a fairly simple Email Script Token.We have a Lookup field from Account to a custom object called District.On District - we have another Lookupfield to User, an...
We would like to create just ONE Task related to an Account where we have sent Market Emails to the contact under the account - we do not want to create a task PER contact.Any idea...
I have two Informatica environments - one running one a 32bit agent and one on a 64bit agent.The 64bit agent gave that same error where the 32 bit error did not.Is there a chance y...
Hi Heather - did you ever have any success with this?I have managed to create an Informatica Connector for our Marketo instance - but struggling to extract data from Marketo into a...
Hi GregI was really interested to see this post because at this very moment this is the challenge I am facing. We use Responsys for B2C and some B2B (millions of contacts) and we h...