Hi Christian,Solution 1, if you are using SalesInsight :Create your program with the landing page in it and a form on this landing page, plus a follow-up page as you would do for a...
Excepted for the fact that you could query the wrong lead, no.Can you copy here the code you use to query ?Sanford Whiteman may have an idea.If not, this will required a support t...
Hi Stephanie,John's method is simple to implement and will work well but be very careful if you need to add more content in the future. In this case, you may want to consider an en...
Hi Melissa,Short path to find how this is setup : identify an MQL lead in the lead database and look at its activity log. Filter on "change data values" and search the exact line w...
Hi Paul,Are you sure you are using the right SFDC Type field ? There are 2 of them, one that gives you the lead/contact difference (and is empty when the lead exists only in Market...
Thx Josh. Comforting not be alone...It happened twice just today with a new Marketo customer. Once on the prod instance and again on the sandbox.And yes, it ends resetting the pass...