Re: Weird first connection workflow

Weird first connection workflow

As a Marketo partner, we often have to access new marketing instances that just were opened and therefore get new Marketo users.

Most of the times (I am not sure this happens 100% of the times), the flow is :

  1. The admin creates a user with a new email address
  2. The new user receives the login email
  3. The new user in clicking the "Marketo login" link in the email
  4. The new user is prompted to enter a new password. He/she does it
  5. This is where it become weird : the new user is redirected to the "New Device" screen. Why? It's a first time login
  6. The new user pushes the button to receive a code
  7. The new user receives the code, copies it and pastes it in the new device form
  8. The new user is redirected to the connection screen
  9. The new user enters the username and the new password, the same he/she entered on step 4
  10. AND, even weirder : the new user gets an invalid password message!
  11. Then he/she needs to got through the password recovery procedure.

As it happen to me about 20 times, already, and also as I saw it happening to so many other persons, I no longer believe the fact that the password was indeed invalid 🙂

Is this happening to you?

It's not good first impression to Marketo.


Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Weird first connection workflow

YES! This has happened to me at least twice. I end up having to reset the password, but it seems to only work if I do it from the admin console.

Re: Weird first connection workflow

Thx Josh. Comforting not be alone...

It happened twice just today with a new Marketo customer. Once on the prod instance and again on the sandbox.

And yes, it ends resetting the password in the admin.
