Hi Nancy,When adding the trigger, add a constraint :the constraint will be "web page" if the form is on a Marketo landing page and "Referrer" if the fom is embedded on your web sit...
When creating a segment in WP, a filter can only be used once. Once you drop it to the main pane, it is greyed and cannot be added a second time:As a result, use case such as "any ...
Hi again,So here would be the global JS to use :<script>MktoForms2.whenRendered(function (form) { /*! @author Sanford Whiteman @license MIT */ /* common vars & aliases */ var ANCES...
An also, agreed it's not a replacement for the wrappers with field names.On the community being very slow, I posted a question in the "about community" group.
Hi Sandford,the display thing is weird, I do not have such an issue on my own laptop (using Chrome, though)I knew you would make the code much better Thx a lot.-Greg
Dear Community Managers,FYI, my community inbox is completely empty. no unread items (although I have not connected much in the past few weeks, so I should have a lot) and even no ...
Hi all,Is the new community portal working quick for you ?Clicking the "discussion" link in the menu takes 59 seconds to open the Products page.form there, clicking on my profile p...
Hi Philip,The API doc (http://developers.marketo.com/rest-api/assets/emails/ ) is quite clear about the fact that emails can be created and update only from a source template, unfo...