Hi Michelle,It will still cause storage issues and will not fulfill your needs because Marketo will not post more than one of each activity type per day and per person.-Greg
Hi Carol,This is simply not possible. per se.But you can use custom columns in people performance reports (see Add Custom Columns to a Person Report - Marketo Docs - Product Docume...
Hi Michelle,Do Not use this feature.It will clutter your salesforce, cause space storage issues, it will make the activities in SFDC unusable because of too many data there and fin...
Hi Marija,Instead of using Progressive profiling to hide/show your consent field, create a new "consent date" field in your database. Set a smart campaign that adds the {{system.da...
Today, the "Partition" information cannot be used as a grouping field in the people performance reports. And yet this a key grouping field, very convenient to run counts of the dat...