The purpose of this idea is to start collecting ideas to enhance the fresh new and awesome Guided landing pages.Being able to choose the templates with a picker (as the email picke...
You may to use the member of program to select a whole series or programs without having to name them explicitely. Yet the "contains" operator is missing in the "member of program"...
When using the "member of program" constraint, it may be very useful and powerful to be able to select all members of webinars or members of "gated content" programs. Typical usage...
My idea was to inline the template, not the final email. That could do most of the job since no one is going to add css while editing the email, only inline css. So the template co...
The new guided landing page templates are great as it enable significant improvement in template dynamics through variables and also reduce errors with the use of elements.Would yo...
When one uses reports with programs in Marketing Activities, one usually setup the report to restrict to the content of the program. For instance, an email performance report would...
HI all,Currently, the Adobe connector supports only what Adobe call meeting rooms or seminars. The problem is : meetings rooms are inappropriate to organize a webinar and seminars ...
Would be great to be able to add our own custom social buttons in addition to LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter. We would enter a URL and parameters (including program, lead, account ...
As a workaround, just add a few lines of CSS to your site CSS. Example here :.cf_widget .cf_socialicons .cf_socialicon { float: left !important; height: 40px !important; margin-...