Hi Navin,to set this straight:fields will immediately be created in MarketoNo data will be pushed in these fields, unless you update the records in SFDC. Read Marketo / salesforce ...
And BtW, when in the activity log, you can use the search box at the bottom to find the errors. You can also specifically filter on "Create task" flow steps.-Greg
OK, got it, but it's not fully equivalent.it can be overridden by careless usersIt works on fixed reset dates and times (once per day, once per week), while the communication limit...
Go to the activity log of the leads with failed sync. The smart campaign will show on the rightmost column.There some related ideas to vote for here: Marketo / salesforce integrati...
Hi Justin,Better open a new thread than posting on an old one.this is really weird. Sure, pushing both leads to SFDC is NOT the solution. It's even a s....d idea.Make sure that you...
Hi Sandy,If I may, I have the impression there is an error in the codepen: in the JS, line 12 should read lastRequestedDownloadURL = this.getAttribute("data-download-href");instead...