Hi Raul,In my solution, whether the cookie exists or not does not matter. Only the mkt_Tok from the email matters. If the person accesses the page without coming from an email, he ...
Hi Justin,This is a very nice way to set it up.I prefer a different way, though:we create and "IM Message token" on the root folder, value [Replace Me]. this token therefore shows ...
You cannot and should not prevent them to be created twice, because if you do so, you will also have some information missing in Marketo.You need to either :Merge these duplicates ...
Hi Diana,The LP template do not have the modular approach that the emails have. You can create template areas that can be displayed/hidden using a variable, but keep in mind that e...
It would be very powerful if we could define some campaign parameters that could be passed when calling the smart campaign and would remain valid for the member as long as it's in ...
Hi Samantha,that will be a tricky thing, all the more so as a same customer might have multiple shipments running in parallel. You can use Marketo custom objects and/or text area f...
Hi Janet,Not your fault The problem is still there. What is very strange is that if I connect in te same bowser with another profile (on a customer instance), the inbox is normal. ...
Dear all,Since this morning, the preview pane is gone in the inbox page and the list of items is very long:In fact, if I scroll a lot, I finally see the preview pane, but it makes ...