Custom and setable {{trigger tokens, a.k.a Smart Campaign inbound parameters

Custom and setable {{trigger tokens, a.k.a Smart Campaign inbound parameters

It would be very powerful if we could define some campaign parameters that could be passed when calling the smart campaign and would remain valid for the member as long as it's in the flow. Each member in the SC could have a different value of the parameter.

These would be very similar to function parameters in any programming language.

The parameter list would be created in the admin. Multiple ways to enter the parameter value could be considered:

  • As additional entries in the "request campaign" flow step
  • As entry fields in the campaign summary
  • With a "set campaign parameter" flow step that would be made available (would also enable to change the parameter value while in the flow. Incredible!)
  • As specific form fields, in which case the parameters would be available for use in the Fills Out Form and Person is Created triggered campaigns

The parameters would be usable:

  • In the smart campaign flow as {{campaign. or {{trigger. tokens, with a preference for {{campaign. tokens that would work in batch campaigns as well
  • In the email assets called from the send email flow step, to be used in email content
  • In velocity tokens executed in emails called from the smart campaign
  • in wait steps.
  • In choice filters in the flow steps: if parameter = X do this...

For the moment, to simulate this, we have to create person fields that remain permanently in the database and are not contextual to the SC, which is a real issue. The field values can be overridden while person is in the flow, creating serious problems.

This feature would enable to chain smart campaigns with a lot more intelligence, the calling smart campaign being able to pass some context information to the called smart campaign.

The use case are unlimited. Examples:

  • A person fills out a form. The form passes some of the entered values to the smart campaign, where they can be used to process the flow. The values remains unchanged in the smart campaign even if the person fills out the form again in the mean time with different values and the values do not need to be stored in person fields
  • An opportunity or custom object is updated. The custom {{campaign. token could be set to capture the opportunity ID or the custom object ID, that can be later used to generate an email with a velocity token retrieving the values from this specific opportunity or custom object
  • A person is created from a form. We capture some information such as the program name or form ID from the form and run a centralized data management campaign to set field default values. When all the default values are set, we can add the lead to the proper event program or call another smart campaign located in a event program to process program membership, and all what's necessary at program level.
  • ...


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Status changed to: Open Ideas