Yes, you can. The setup enables you to add multiple email branding / sending domains. One this is done, a new option with the branding domain picklist appears in the email editor.i...
HI Marissa,For those of us who missed the survey because we were on PTO, where can we find the proposed options ? I understand we can no longer vote, but I would like to simply see...
Hi Gerard,Use "lead owner last name is empty.We usually also create in SFDC 2 formula (Boolean) fields : "Owner is User" and "Owner is Queue". Then when you want to know, you just ...
Hi Carly,Better open a new question in your situation. I am on PTO, and w new question would probably have got an answer from someone else As the statuses are used in "change progr...
Hi Cliff,if you implement what's written in the article, it means you will have to do the REST API call from you web server. NEVER do it from the client side, you would expose your...
Hi Susan,Please wove this question to Products where it belongs. Champion Program is for questions about the program itself.The first reason why this might be happening is becaus...