Hi Nick,This is a Marketo default behavior that you loose the prefill capabilities when you embed a Marketo form on ANY CMS or web page outside of Marketo Landing Pages.There are s...
Hi Courtney,In Advanced Reporting (the current name for RCE), there is an "email analysis" report type that enables you to combine email stats with lead information. -Greg
Hi Phillip,Use this other endpoint to change the email header : http://developers.marketo.com/rest-api/endpoint-reference/asset-endpoint-reference/#!/Emails/updateEmailContentUsing...
Also, all this would probably not be necessary of this idea was impemented Be able to inject easily CSS classes on Form fields, labels, columns and rows-Greg
Better yet, the list of classes that could be made available should be set in the admin, by admins, and end users would only have to pick them in multi-valued picklists.-Greg
Hi Dave Roberts Web designers for Marketo need to address 3 constraints :Basically, in most of the teams, the people who create templates and CSS are not the ones who create the fo...