Hi Roger,What I have found when searching are older discussions saying the saved_search__c(custom objects in general) can only be associated with either the lead or contact object ...
Hi Dan,I think I would propose my customer to anonymize the records rather than deleting them. If the person is not a CRM contact (supposedly followed up by sales), I would run a s...
HI Benedicte,depends on whether you are using it in a Marketo LP or in an embedded form.In a Marketo LP, you will have to edit the template a put this at the end, before the </body...
+1 on this impossibility to generalize, all the more so as I have seen many different ways to implement events in GA, depending on the objectives defined by the SEO/Analytics agenc...
+1 on this. 2 consents are to be given, at least in theory. But the practicality of having 2 checkboxes on a form and expecting that people filling it out will understand the diffe...
Furthermore, recreating programs in the new instance is often the opportunity to streamline them and start with a new, clonable, program template, new HTML templates as well.-Greg
Hi Raul,Duplicating the templates has been a known issue for a long time. See With regards to the emails links, the easiest way to solve the issue is to create another CNAME from ...