It should be documented if it's expected behavior since current documentation suggests that it should work. Josh, do you have a link to that Idea? I was unable to find anything in ...
Can anyone from Marketo Product team answer as to whether program tokens should work in all fields in an ICS calendar token?The current behavior I am observing is that tokens will ...
Are you using form prefill? If they are already a lead and are cookied in the browser, then their email address would prefill and they would be less likely to change it (because ef...
In your filters for smart lists, there's a "forwarded to friend" filter. You could constrain with the "minimum number of times" filter and keep increasing it until you find one lea...
Alex is right, Salesforce does not allow assigning contacts to a queue, and if you do that in a flow in Marketo, Marketo will create a dupe lead and assign that record to the queue...