Today, when viewing Campaign Inspector's details, the Timed Smart Campaign, pending execution icon is used for Smart Campaigns that were set on a timer but have already run inside ...
Today, if you wanted to see what Smart Campaigns are idle or inactive via API, you would need to query activities for the Smart Campaign being referenced and work backwards. This m...
Today, there is no way to check the contents of an email's preheader aside from creating a draft to review the text in Email Settings. However, all other content within an email ca...
When developing email templates that work with both light and dark mode, using <picture> and <source> tags with a fallback <img> inside it is a clean way to set both light and dark...
Trivial quality-of-life request: currently, when editing a form field's label in HTML inside the Forms 2.0 editor, the focus in the form editor goes back to the field in question a...
Straightforward request: both the W3C and WHATWG consider nested fieldsets to be valid HTML.
In this particular case, you've set a MktoForms2 object check in your header JS, but your footer scripts do not. As a result, your JavaScript is halting.
High-volume instances are among those most likely to be using Custom Activities, but those instances are the most likely to need many Custom Activity entries sent back to Marketo.
I'm not sure of yourexact use case, but what you're discussing may be able to be done using the filter "Member of Smart List Is: [Smart List]". That way, you set up your Smart List...