AMP is kind of an interesting case, because Marketo really needs to do two things here: integrate and align Munchkin tracking with amp-analytics and use amp-embed to render the for...
Hi Dan,Unfortunately, DPI scaling will only affect corporate laptops that have the 120DPI setting for Outlook; this particular bug happens to be independent of that because Microso...
Hi Jennifer,To answer this specifically, there are some workarounds based on what you're having issues with. I just replied to this talking about zoom issues, but if you're working...
Been there, done that--the reason there's an issue with Surface tablets is that they have a screen zoom that does not scale accordingly, so you get the odd cutoff that you're seein...
This feature would be especially useful when you have trigger campaigns that need somewhat regular updates but do not need to happen immediately--some examples I can think of off t...
Hi Bill,There should be no need for Salesforce specifically when creating opportunities inside of Marketo. Now, you need to not have a native CRM sync (i.e., no SFDC or MS Dynamics...
Sorry to bump, but I'm curious if any real metric for "large scale" per the legislation has been defined for DPO requirements. I know in previous drafts language was a bit more spe...
I had written a more detailed answer before realizing it was getting way, way too TMI for this venue, but I'll say this much: every enterprise Marketo instance I've seen that also ...
Hi David,Any time a SFDC Campaign is linked to a program, it will want to keep in 1:1 alignment with that program--so it rejects the ability to add people via flow step. You'll eit...
Well, I'd argue your first line there should be a WAF, adjusting your server's rate limits and modifying php.ini before even starting to worry about hardening a WordPress plugin, b...